255. Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree
Difficulty: Medium
Topics: Stack, Tree
Similar Questions:
Given an array of numbers, verify whether it is the correct preorder traversal sequence of a binary search tree.
You may assume each number in the sequence is unique.
Consider the following binary search tree:
5 / \ 2 6 / \ 1 3
Example 1:
Input: [5,2,6,1,3] Output: false
Example 2:
Input: [5,2,1,3,6] Output: true
Follow up:
Could you do it using only constant space complexity?
class Solution {
bool verifyPreorder(vector<int>& preorder) {
stack<int> stk;
int lowerBound = INT_MIN;
for (auto num : preorder) {
if (num <= lowerBound) return false;
if (!stk.empty() && stk.top() == num) return false;
while (!stk.empty() && stk.top() < num) {
lowerBound = stk.top();
//cout << lowerBound << " " << num << endl;
return true;